3 Spring Cleaning Tips


1. Declutter, Organize, and Deep Clean

Start your spring cleaning by decluttering living spaces, organizing closets, cabinets, and drawers for a sense of order. Donate or throw away items that you no longer need. A less cluttered home can create a sense of spaciousness!


Furthermore, a thorough deep cleaning can do wonders! Dust surfaces, clean windows, and vacuum carpets. Freshen up your home by washing curtains, pillows, and other fabric items.


2. Inspect and Repair

Thoroughly look through the exterior of your home for any winter damage. Examine your roof, windows, and doors for leaks. Make sure to look for any cracks, damage, and promptly address any issues discovered inside or outside your home.


As temperatures continue to rise, don’t forget to check out your air conditioning. Replace air filters to ensure clean and efficient airflow throughout. If you find any damage or need some repairs, ensure to schedule a professional to service your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.


3. Garden and Lawn Care

With longer days ahead, prepare your garden for days under the sun. Trim overgrown branches and bushes, to set the stage for summer. If building a garden is in your plans, prepare the soil and start planning for your spring garden.


If you’re planning on hosting events during the summer or you spend a lot of time in your yard, bring out the outdoor furniture, and make your space ready for outdoor gatherings.


With these steps, you’ll transform your home into a fresh and invigorating space ready to embrace the beauty of spring. Whether you’re focusing on cleaning, organizing, or bringing in new decor, the key is to create an environment that reflects the vibrant spirit of the season.


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